Sample code using the pgosd objets. You have generete an objet call foo and a template for display. How to use it to show all data in the table "foo". --------------------------- showtpl("foo.tpl"); } $foo= new foo(); $foo->iter(iteronfoo,"select * from foo"); ?> _____________________________ This is an example about showing in a form the data , display , modify , and destroy a record of the foo table. _____________________________ showtpl("foo.tpl"); echo "getprimarykeyvalue()\"> Modify "; echo "getprimarykeyvalue()\"> Delete "; } if (empty($action)) { $foo=new foo(); $foo->iter(iteronfoo,"select * from foo"); } else { switch ($action) { case "modify": $foo=new foo($theidx); $foo->showform(); break; case "update": $foo=new foo(); $foo->set(); $foo->modifybd(); break; case "delete": $foo=new foo($theidx); $foo->delete($theidx); break; } }